�� new old this that ��


I bought a pack of P-Funks this week

If it were not for cancer or the inability to run from medium to large wild animals, I would smoke two packs of cigaretes a day.

Really, either or.

I bought a pack of cigarettes this week for the first time since mid-august. The pack lasted me about two and a half to three days. Not bad, but now I worry I'm going to go back to smoking. I didn't buy any and and I havn't smoked today, so I think I'm good. I have periods of wanting to smoke but I can make myself forget about it after a while. I bought Parlament Light's. Now there's an ass tasting cigarette. Not that I've tasted a lot of actual ass... a few ass cheeks, but that's off topic.

The first time I tried to quit I turned into a nut case. I went to the grocery store with my girlfriend and almost had a nervous break down. My friends hated me and I ended up lasting only about 2 months.

This time I lasted 6 month plus before I cheated. Granted buying a pack is a big cheat, but screw it talking about it is making me want to smoke more. Evil evil are these things, but damn do I love to smoke . No I don't! AAAAAHHH!

I want to smoke NOW, any one got a butt?

No take them away!
Almost time to get out of work, walk home in the dusk rain, get ready to stand in a smokey club and then a smokey party. Guaranteed I bumm a cig off a friend. Guaranteed I don't.

Will power! Whats that?

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

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