�� new old this that ��



god be dammed do I hate anti-abortion activist types. Who says that any person has any right to tell another what to do with their bodies? I as a man certainly have no right to tell any woman what are the best choices for her health, her future, and most of all whether or not she reproduces.

For a few days I read a girls diary on line� I just stumbled across it because I was bored and browsing. It basically chronicled the thoughts and decisions a young 20 year old woman goes through when she thinks she is pregnant. All of the second guessing, worry, sleeplessness, and deep down terror of what they are going through. It was right there.

Well, she found out she wasn�t pregnant and that she wasn�t going to have to get an abortion. Good for her.

Now I look at the guest book on the site. The only responses are by two abortion activist religious right rush limburger listening �women� who think their view is the only correct view and proceed to tear into this person who�s just been through what must have been a really hard time � to speak un-poetically.

This is my response to them � re posted here.

Alice and Lindsey,
it is people like you who cause young adults to go through personal hell. Do you think you helped anyone with your holier than thow comments?
Perhaps no one is interested in your 'moral minority' views because if a woman wishes to have an abortion, it is perfectly legal and within her rights. If a person is not disciplined enough to use protection every time they have sex, who's fault is that? In reality, not theirs, it is the fault of the people like you two who can do nothing but chastise younger people for failing at your view of right and wrong while YOU and people like YOU insist on permission slips for sex education in the class room, permission slips that you KNOW 1/2 of white middle class American parents won't sign, permission slips that 3/4 of minority student parents won't sign. While you're at it, get the schools to stop teaching evolution, oh that's right, you're already working on that...

Go make a huge colored sign of an aborted fetus and parade it in front of a clinic, oh that's right, you've already done that in your 'signature' of the guest book.

You don't like my opinion? You don't agree with my perception of you? Then keep your politics and preaching off the web, a person's diary guest book is certainly not your pulpit.



Now if you want to delve deeper and read for yourself � go to pregnant
Alice and Lindsey, I could care less about what you have to say. Now go to church and pray.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

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