�� new old this that ��


The Beast Master is bi-lingual

well� what did I do this weekend?

�what did you do�

�what did I do?�

I stayed up until 3am Friday night or is it Saturday morning. I�d like to know the answer to that� I stayed up until 3am watching Beast Master the movie. Now there�s a bad movie. I was hooked though, it was as if I needed to hear muscle dude who talks to animals belt out his hawk scream just once more. Problem is after the third time he didn�t do it again but I kept hoping� hoping he�d make the hawk noise just for ME. �OH muscle guy make the noise, oh make the noise for me, crow like an eagle hawk birdie thingy, oh do it for me�� but no. Three hawk cries must be some sensor limit in Hollywood or something.

Now about this beast master guy. He can talk to ferrets (two of them), he used to be able to talk to his wolf (but that got shot with an arrow by the horrible hord people early on), and he talks to a black tiger � ALL IN ENGLISH. BUT BUT BUT � he crows in eagle hawk speak to the eagle hawk.

So this means that everyone is bi-lingual but the hawk. Beast master can speak English and hawk. The ferrets, wolf, and tiger must be able to speak English because they understand the muscle beast master guy, BUT the eagle hawk only speaks eagle hawk because Mr. Beast master only crows at the bird to get his plans across.

It�s either a dumb bird or a stuck up bird. Perhaps the bird doesn�t want to speak English, the bird might just feel too good to speak to some tan muscular sweaty dude�

The birds stuck up. That has to be it.

3am � beast master, I�ve sunken to a new low.

Earlier on Friday I went to AS220 with Ray because he had a show with his Jazz Trio. It�s called Ray Davey and the Mayor�s Speech Writers. Yes, they all work for the Mayor of Providence as writers. Guess who was there? Yes! The mayor. Lucky guess.

I love Providence. I love the Mayor. He came in (after his advance people, then with police escort and all) sat down at a table with Ray. Ordered a whisky, had a cigarette and enjoyed the show. Before the show was some whacked out Brown University Tap Dance show. yeah. a tap dance show. Well all the Brown Students had no idea that it was the Mayor sitting there and some dude wearing bright red jump suit and even brighter red died hair walks up to the Mayor and asks him for a smoke. Ray say�s here have one of mine. The Mayor says, menthol or regular. The kid says menthol. The Mayor hands him a cigarette. The kid asks for a light. The Mayor lights the kid�s (excuse me, young man�s) cigarette. Ray says to the kid: �SO�. ever meet the Mayor of Providence, Mayor Vincent Cianci?� The kid�s mouth drops. The kid shakes the Mayors hand. The kids face is brighter than his hair. The Mayor�s police officer escort clears his throat or shuffles or just looks at the kid. The kid peels out of there very very quickly. The Mayor smirks � just a tad � just enough. I go to the bar, order another Bass, walk back to my own table muttering �god I love this city��

Saturday I slept until 2pm. I am a slutty late sleeping heathen.

Saturday night I went to Ray�s house. Hung out. Went home semi early.

Sunday I putted around the house after I woke up much earlier than Saturday, make myself a lot of coffee, then went out and bought a Nina Simone CD I didn�t have, got some petrol I mean gasoline and milk. Then I went to Worcester � to the Worcester Poetry reading at the Java Hut (it�s not really a hut but they serve coffee and food) and read my new poem �Serious ya�ll, stop being short��

The reaction to the poem was great. They loved it. I think I have to still tighten up the ending, but they still loved it. Lots of laughs and applause. People were coming up to me afterwards telling me how great I was. A nice way to end a weekend � massive ego stroking. Not that I have a big head � the poem is just a funny piece, but it was nice � having my ego stroked.

Now I am back home early � because I jetted out of there before the feature � and this is where I am now � writing out a journal entry� now if I could only teach my cat to speak English or if I could just learn to crow like a hawk � but in cat speak � I will be all set.

Time for work soon. BOOOO.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

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