�� new old this that ��

2001-03-25.03:59 p.m.

Taylor Mug

yes, Taylor thinks he's a model

Hi, this is Taylor my cat. He�s been helping me clean the house by knocking the dishes off the counter. One by one, while I�m in another room, just hoping they break. A few have, so his cat wishes are coming true.

I think he�s just jealous of all the time I�ve been spending writing, all the time I�ve been spending on the net, and all the time I�ve been spending on the net writing. I think he�s just jealous.

Once I was sitting on my couch and my friend Dave Blank left a full large cup of water on the butcher block counter behind the couch. I was sitting there watching TV and Taylor knocked it over onto my head. A full pint of ice water and ice cubes on the head � by the cat who supposedly loves me.

I think he�s just waiting until he saves up enough cash for a thumb transplant so he can leave town� because in reality I AM holding him captive.

Yes, even though I hate doing dishes, I�m gonna give him some play and expose his mug to the world � just so I can eat off of something clean in the morning.

�ok, Taylor?�

no reply.

Taylor also has an incredible crush on pumpkins

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

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