�� new old this that ��

2001-03-25.12:27 p.m.

stick with men - boys (even 40 year old ones) are trouble

I have friends breaking up all over the country. Here in Rhode Island, Georgia, Massachusetts, the list goes on.

Ok. I am pissed off at one of these in particular. Really pissed. Pissed to the point where I was walking around the apartment muttering dick dick dick.

Can someone tell me why people are such assholes to the people they supposedly love?

�can someone tell me that?�

Violence escalates. If a violent thing is said to you � something said that is designed to hurt you really bad such as �so how does it feel to have a dead father?� (you know they said it just to hurt you) you can bet if you don�t do something to stop that behavior, the person will someday be punching you in the face.

Here�s the standard situation that I see over and over� Boy meets girl, girl takes a liking to boy, boy realizes girl likes him, and says �oooh, if she likes me she has to think she�s pretty low because personally, I (the boy) have no self esteem and no sense of self worth, so I am going to progressively become more and more of an asshole until she realizes, hey I really am too good for him and thus prove my (the boy�s) inner feelings of inadequacy and self loathing to be absolutely and totally correct!�


You don�t think this happens all the time? Believe me, I am a boy, I�ve been there. It just took me growing up to realize what a putts boys can be. My suggestion to all women is to stop dating boys. Yep. Stop dating the boys.

Girl says, �so are you a boy or a man?�

Boy replies, �ooh I�m a man alright!�

Girl should say at this point, �no thank you, I�ll pass. Oh and to save you the trouble of saying it 6 months from now, �fuck you too��

Here�s another insight. If a boy starts to physically prevent you from leaving the house, eventually that person will try to stop you from leaving a room. They will then try to stop you with more physical force every time you let them get away with it � until one day you find yourself with a slap across the face � then a punch to the face � then a kick to the stomach � then� you�re in the hospital wondering how in the hell you ever let ANYONE treat you this way � especially someone you supposedly loved.

I�ve seen this first hand. Of course after she came at me with a knife, I didn�t come back until she left for good, but I also know the way it works from the typical scenario � boy hurting girl � second hand, and let me tell you I hate having to kick boys asses because these people cry like babies when someone bigger than them finally kicks their lilly white ass and finally proves them to have no dick at all.


Violence escalates. If your boy ever physically hurts you � call the police and get him the fuck out � NOW!!

Trust me on this. Just trust me.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

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