�� new old this that ��

2001-04-13.9:45 a.m.

jaded and angsty

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jad�ed (jdd)


1. Worn out; wearied: �My father's words had left me jaded and depressed� (William Styron).

2. Dulled by surfeit; sated: �the sickeningly sweet life of the amoral, jaded, bored upper classes� (John Simon).

3. Cynically or pretentiously callous

jaded�ly adv.

jaded�ness n.

Jaded does not translate into Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, or Swedish


Important derivatives are: anger, anxious, anguish, angina.
Tight, painfully constricted, painful.

1. agnail, (hangnail) , from Old English ang-n�gl, �painful spike (in the flesh),� corn, excrescence (n�gl, spike; see nogh-), from Germanic *ang-, compressed, hard, painful.

2. Suffixed form *angh-os-. anger, from Old Norse angr, sorrow, grief, from Germanic *angaz.

3. Suffixed form *angh-os-ti-. angst1, from Old High German angust, anxiety, from Germanic *angusti-.

4. anxious, from Latin angere, to strangle, torment.

5. Suffixed form *angh-os-to-. anguish, from Latin angustus, narrow.

6. quinsy, from Greek ankhein, to squeeze, embrace.

7. angina, from Greek ankhon, a strangling.

[Pokorny anh- 42.]

angsty slang version of Angst� see above and damn why are you bothering me? - adv.

Angst does not translate into Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, or Swedish

Do either of these definitions fit you? Do you have your own definition � such as �I�ve seen it all before and I�m just not impressed anymore � so get the hell away from me there is no way you could ever hope to possibly understand me!�

Then you are jaded and angsty and should join one or both of my rings.

Thank you, now go back to your cruel cruel worlds where it�s a pain in the ass to get anything to change�

not that it�s not worth trying� sometimes�

so go use the links on the very bottom of the page already�


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�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30