�� new old this that ��

2001-04-16.10:16 a.m.

� Headlines �

Should the US retaliate against China? Could everyone who feels like going to war against a country of 3 billion people please stand up? Would all the morons please stand up? Mr. Bush, you can�t just put your hand up� you have to stand.

Israeli warplanes strike Lebanon - Syrian radar bases targeted in attack
Ariel Sharon seems to me to be intent on some serious war action � with everyone. I just don�t agree with a policy of not negotiating with an under armed (read this as they have rocks and a few sticks of dynamite) people � until they stop all hostilities. The problem is, Israel cannot tell for sure where all of the hostilities are coming from � not even who is ordering them.

President Smirk better pay closer attention to the middle east - or else we will someday pay for it.

Newsweek: Nourishing your brain - Nothing fishy about fish oil's benefits
I tried sleeping with fish oil under my pillow in College. Osmosis was the only way I was going to take that stuff. See how well it worked?

Banks reach $13 billion deal - WSJ: First Union buys Wachovia
So they could give 4.33333333333333333333333333333333 dollars to each person in China and change what?

McVeigh meal gets PETA's attention - Bomber talks vegetarianism.
I�ve said it before, I�m against the death penalty� but does anyone feel Timothy should be getting even one more second of news time? I honestly wonder if he were locked up for life � would we still be hearing from this monster? I question everything about this mans motives for wanting to be executed as soon as possible to discussing vegetarianism with PETA. PETA should be ashamed for using an impending execution to further their own cause. Wow, I could go for a bacon egg and cheese from the caf� downstairs.

Other Stuff

o Punk rock legend Joey Ramone dies
Christ my friend Ron who just moved to South Carolina has to be heart broken. I like the Ramones a lot but I missed that boat growing up because I was a sheltered dork� �umm John you still are�� �shut up�

o Lakers beat Blazers, now lead Pacific
Who cares?

o Taxpayers can't wait any longer
You mean you all have to pee too?

o Great interactive museums for kids
The Boston Science museum is one of my favorite fake museums. Yeah I said fake. I consider real museums to be places where I can only identify 25% of the styles of the art in the place. Science museums are fun learning places, real museums are places I need to go with my girlfriend because I have a business degree and need her to explain to me what I am supposed to be seeing.

o No cooling off for LPGA's Sorenstam
I have no knowledge whatsoever about what this is about - except that she is one bad ass.

o Citigroup proves that size matters
Leave it to a credit card company to bring peni (plural of penis) into the mix. �So it�s not how much money you have, it�s how you use it?� �No they�re saying it�s all about how much money you have��

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30