�� new old this that ��

2001-04-21.6:36 p.m.


At one time I possessed over 150 bonsai trees.

Lantana Prostrata Junipers Korean Hornbeams so many Chinese Elms Satsuki Azalea Thousand Star Serissa damn I loved those a group planting of 5-Tree Eastern White Cedar - a Forest - more Serissa Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper Korean Privet Fujian Teas that tried to die on me daily Shimpaku Juniper Japanese White Pine Variegated Juniper Cotoneaster Japanese Mountain Maple Trident Maple I really loved the maples...

Round pots, oval pots, short tall, big small... you get the idea.

I grew and styled Bosai the way I write� and yes, they took a long time to water.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

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