�� new old this that ��

2001-04-24.9:45 a.m.

I need a nose patch

This is the third time I�ve seriously tried to quit smoking. Again I�m on Day Two and realizing the world is a very bad smelling place.

I fell asleep with a patch on last night and had wild dreams about laying in bed with shadows.

I�ve yet to put a new patch on because I want to start weaning myself off the nicotine and having one on for 24 hours in a day isn�t considered weaning by me.

The pollen is out as well. I don�t really get hay fever but I do sneeze and get puff daddy eyes every spring� so I must be allergic to some thing� so I�m walking to work this morning and I look at the swan in her nest, check her out a second, she�s ok� ok, keep walking, pass the geese � the 3 geese who this morning are being fed bread by an old man looking real disheveled and as I pass him I realize

�Wow, he smells bad.�

Every time I quit smoking I come to the realization that I can suddenly smell again and I never am pleased by it. It�s always BO or bad breath. A dumpster or dog shit on the curb. Just once I�d like to quit smoking and find myself in a field of tulips or at least a pile of clean laundry.

Time to put the patch on my arm
before I use it to seal my nose

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

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