�� new old this that ��

2001-05-05.3:39 p.m.

The Oracle & New Years Eve � 2000

The Big Y2K�

I�m a computer guy by day and back then I had just finished 7 years of work � getting my present company and two before that ready for Y2K. If I and the million other professionals like me hadn�t done the work, all hell would have broke loose that night, but we did the work, took care of the problems, and all turned out well.

I knew all this and wasn�t worried about Armageddon� so we had a big new years eve party at my apartment.

There was much debauchery. Candles threatening to burn my ceilings, too many bottles of champagne, hard liquor, beer beer and more beer, cunnilinguis in my pantry, filletio on my back porch, S&M in the living room, a fist fight in my bedroom.

Unfortunately the only thing I had to do with the debauchery was the fist fight in the bedroom and the beer.

Anyway, there's a lot of really weird shit going down in my place and midnight is approaching�

Midnight is 60 seconds away�

Everyone starts counting down getting ready to cheer at the stroke of midnight (well those who weren�t having Clintonian sex in public)

10� 9� 8� 7� 6� 5� 4� 3� 2� 1!

Click the lights go out

Yes, I pulled the fuses at midnight.

and for 5 seconds the whole house fell for it.

I bowed in my geekdom.

Check out my new feature. Click on �that� then click on �the oracle� It�s a magic 8 ball type of thing. I�ll be adding more and better answers as time goes on�

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

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