�� new old this that ��

2001-05-28.7:36 p.m.

tall skinny guy dies of fever

I feel like hell tonight. I�m not sure why.

I went to New England Bonsai to pick up a few things around two and in the car on the way back I started feeling� well, like hell.

It occurred to me while I was whining about how sick I felt - like a lot of men do I hear � whine not feel sick at this moment although I'm sure there are a lot of sick men on the planet this very second - while I was laying in bed AND whining � that you just don�t see hot air balloons as much as you used to.

I don�t think hot air balloons have any cool factor left � I could be wrong, but perhaps that�s why they�re gone from popular culture.

I blame it on the 70's.

Sunday I remembered I have a head to head performance challenge against Tony Brown from Worcester on Friday � Slammaster of Providence verses the Slammaster of Worcester.

�Oooh scary.�

�Not really, we�re friends and will have fun.�

Still, I suppose I should rehearse and practice, because on Sunday while I was at the Java Hut�s open mic night Bill MacMillan informed the crowd that Tony was going to mop the floor with me.

That pissed me off.

I know he was joking, but it still wasn�t cool.

Whatever. I�m still annoyed.



Oh well, I should just take off and get some rest in a warm place�

Now if only I could find a hot air balloon to take me to Tahiti.

See what I mean? That last line wasn�t so cool � was it?


�Then I�m just going to end this and go to bed��

and you can blame that on the 70's too.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

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