�� new old this that ��

2001-06-13.10:26 a.m.

� ask johnpowers �

Wednesday is the day I answer the questions from the � advice section of this site.

name: clover
email: [email protected]
url: http://findyourself.diaryland.com
How do I get more money without resorting to dealing drugs or participating in other illegal activities?

I'd have to suggest GETTING A JOB.

The only way to get money in this society is by trading your physical time for it. You go to an office - perform a skill in demand - you get paid. You go to a construction site - you carry loads of sand in a wheel barrel - you get paid.

Every other purported method to get money (that is legal) is just a scam.

Scratch tickets - a scam.
The lottery - a scam.
Gambling in any other form - a scam.
Selling weight loss plans - a scam.
Get rich quick from the stock Market - a scam.
Real Investing in the stock market - you need money (hence a job) before you can hope to make any.

OK, joking aside. So apart from getting another crappy job, and suffering like the rest of us while you keep your eyes open for a better job - one that is cool and everything you always wanted - because that's what the rest of us are doing - I don't know.... what would be some other ways to get money that are not scams if you already have a job...

hrmm...If it were closer to winter I'd suggest you take a course to become a snowboarding instructor, because well, that just sounds like a cool job to me and it's something I'd love to do.

But since it's not close to winter, unless your from South America, you're not from south America are you? Anyway, since I'm assuming you're nearing the summer climate, you should write down a list of your favorite 20 activities. Then you should start looking for a new job that involves one of those activities.

I read through your diary a bit, and you're in high school or college, I couldn't easily tell, and unfortunately almost all jobs such when you're in college and high school. Without being able to work full time all year round, employers give you the crap jobs... unless you get lucky.

Let's say you like the outdoors. You might be able to get a crappy job working at a landscaping place. The job will still suck, but being outside might make up for it.

Let's say you love music - you're really into buying lots of CD's. You could finagle your way into a Record store, work shitty hours waiting on shitty customers, but your discount may make up for it.

Let's say you don't want to quit your current job and you're just looking for extra cash. This is probably what you intended when you first asked for advice. Unfortunately I can't think of anything that wouldn't require working for someone. Everything I see and find that looks like easy money ends up being a rip off scam or sucking worse than the suckiest jobs in the mall.

...and remember, activities are only illegal if you get caught. ;)


name: jadexphile
email: [email protected]
url: http://area-51.diaryland.com
do you believe in aliens, johnpowers?

Terrestrial or Extra Terrestrial?

As for Extra Terrestrial, I'm too tired to go rooting through the DogPile and Google sites for the exact stats, but based on statistical probability, there is a 100% chance that there are over a million life sustaining planets in the entire universe.

I believe this statistic, but I also believe because of the great distances involved in this universe we're just a tiny speck in - that the chance of an extra terrestrial species handing me a Pepsi tomorrow morning would be .000000001%

I believe they're out there, but I don't believe they're here among us or above us or even in us.

As for Terrestrial aliens, I believe in them and you and I have already seen them. They're called Delphinus delphis and Delphinus capensis or common dolphins.

Did you know a dolphin can look with it's sonar at your heart muscle pumping and tell how excited or agitated you are?

Did you know dolphins are the only species besides Great Apes and humans that are self aware - they know they are looking into a mirror when presented with one.

Dolphins have a language as complex as all the languages humans speak on terra firma. They have equivalents of Spanish and English - meaning different dialects. They have names for each other - names given to them by their mothers. They develop nick names as adolescents.

Dolphins are very similar to humans... in Social structure, child rearing, they even have recreational sex... a lot of recreational sex.

Half of all dolphins in captivity die every seven years, but Wild Dolphins have comparable life spans to aboriginal humans (30 to 45 years).

Yet, we still know almost nothing about dolphins, we've yet to come close to understanding their language. They may be more intelligent in some ways than we are.

Dolphins are an alien species in an alien environment we call the sea... and I believe that.

Check out earthtrust.org for more dolphin information.


Yeah, everyone is in slacker mode and only two people wanted advice this week. It�s ok, I like getting time off now and then�

*johnpowers does his cube bound happy chair dance*


�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30