�� new old this that ��

2001-07-25.8:35 a.m.

� ask johnpowers - an advice column �

So every Wednesday I run this advice column and since I bitched last week that only 2 people asked for advice, I have a bunch this week. Thanks!

Do me a favor and click on this vote link. I rarely ask for such things and am feeling needy today...

If you need advice or need the answer to something only a weirdo like me would know, click on this � advice link.

name: G.I. Ho
email: [email protected]
url: http://garyhoare.diaryland.com
What's a good, cost-effective solution for recording good-quality audio at a poetry reading? Preferrably something that I can then import into my computer for cleaning-up and editing. Also, how would you rewrite that previous fragment, so that it was a complete sentance and still maintained the flow of my original thought. And, where the hell are my pants?

1) I'd just get a good microphone and record directly into your laptop. Second most cost effective option that won't sacrifice quality would be a mini disc player.

2) "I would prefer something that I can then import..."

3) In the giant pile near your home computer.

name: G.I. Ho
email: [email protected]
url: http://garyhoare.diaryland.com
What's the best way to beat the Providence Slam Team?

Trick them into eating a hamburger and tell them about it right before they go on stage - as they are all Vegan & Vegetarian.

Yes, I'd say that would work.

name: jen
email: [email protected]
url: http://sjomedia.diaryland.com
Why do Pringles taste so much better than regular potato chips?

Because Pringles contain not only potatoes, but also yellow corn meal, and wheat starch. Potato chips are plain potatoes and vegetable oil.

Better living through chemistry.

name: katie
i'm going to be looking for a used car soon to commute to college...besides a honda, what other brands make the best used cars?

I have a friend who has a Toyota Tercel that has over 200,000 miles on it. Find a 4 cylinder car made in Japan and it probably won't die.

name: amanda
email: [email protected]
url: http://milquetoast.diaryland.com
I have noticed many times that if I think of a certain song or of a loving thing that someone has said to me, I can generate this feeling of euphoria. Needless to say, it doesn't last very long, but I do wonder what it's all about. And why songs, in particular?

Since true meditation, can create feelings of peace, relaxation, or euphoria. This state will happen more quickly and will be deeper if some technique for quieting the breath and mind, such as pranayama, chanting, or devotional singing, is practiced first.

So perhaps you are singing with your minds voice as you think of the song. Perhaps you are remembering the phrase that was said to you and using it as a mantra - another technique that can help bring on a transcendental meditative state.

Akin it to the visualization techniques Olympic athletes use to will themselves into believing they can perform past their previous realized potential, or in your case your abandonment of stress and all worldly troubles.

name: thesilentone
email: [email protected]
url: http://silentone.diaryland.com
Should I be worried if the solution in my doctor's office, which I know to be vinegar, is spelled "viniger"? Also, what do you do when you observe a classroom and the teacher has asked the students to copy the name of the book off the board and she spells "really" with one "L"?


Umm, it depends if the doctor is writing prescriptions for you.

As for the teacher, if you haven't been at the job for at least 3 years, I wouldn't risk saying anything about her lack of spelling abilities to her. Saying something to another peer isn't as bad of an idea.

name: jade wolf
email: [email protected]
url: http://area-51.diaryland.com
url: http://www.livejournal.com/~trustnoone
now, john powers, as you are an adult, perhaps you can explain something to me and help me out a bit. but 1st, let me explain i am a homeschooler and not particularly motivated at the moment. i would be satisfied sitting watching the xfiles all day and doing D-land and chatting online. but thats just me. my mom seems to think that this is bad. (i am rather behind in my skoolwerk) and seeing as how she and my dad are oh-so-busy tring to bring in some money since we kinda oversetimated how much we had last year... and took a vacation... anyway, were short. but my mom is flying all over the place working as hard as she can, which i admire her for, but this also makes her feel like motivating ME, while i just finished a sort of summer vacation starting in i think may. i slack too easily. its just my mom, mind you. my dad seems to be okay, but he also doesnt look in on what im doing all that much, skoolwork wise, anyway. so how do i get my mom to back off? my skool deadline is aug 31st. i AM working hard too (except when i am online) but she doesnt seem to realise that. we live in the counrty so i have a zillion OTHER responsibilieies too. 2. if a 16y/o girl meets a 18 y/o guy @ a independence day party thrown by the boy's friend (girl, not girlfriend tho) and the 16y/o girl and the guy hit it off, go off to the woods and..stuff.. the girl gets the guy's email & phone#, the guy gets the girls email, and after 2 weeks the guy hasnt emailed back, should the girl assume hes not interested? (neither people were drunk at the time.) sorry its been so long, but you seemd a little bored with only 2 people to answer.


1) You're mother loves you and just wants you to be happy later in life. To do this she probably feels you shouldn't have to work as hard as her - which requires you to have a better or equal job as her - which requires higher education - which requires good grades in lower education. Humor her and work out a balance that works for both of you. This has no easy answer but requires you to figure out how to juggle and balance everything you want to do with everything you are required to do - even if it's something your mother is requiring you to do. If you think your mother is bad, wait until you meet your boss at age 25.

Trust me, it sucks, but I've been there.

2) If you like him - email him and find out. The notion that a woman has to wait around for a guy to express interest in her is bull. If he doesn't appreciate your interest, then he's not worth it.

name: Justin
email: [email protected]
url: http://justdeal.diaryland.com
Since you'll just complain if you don't get more people using this...I need some fail-safe subjects for small talk since I suck big time at it.

"Quick! Dog or Cat?"

"Oh where'd you go to school?"

"Really, what did you study?"

"Do you have family in the area?"

"I never come to this place, do you know of any other good clubs in this city?"

"Wow, that piercing must have hurt. What else have you tried?"

"Know any place to get clean heroin nowadays?"

"Any idea how to get pecker tracks out of a wedding gown?"

"Hey I have this rash and it smells like cheddar. Should I get it checked?"

"You mean you can't smell it?"

"That's good."

Small talk bad.

Ask them what their interests are, such as "So, what do you do?" If you happen to have something in common, talk about that. Life is too short to waste on meaningless conversation.

Long talk good.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30