�� new old this that �� pm

I am in my office wearing my coat

because it's a tad on the chilly side.

In this case, a tad means I can see my breath.

My office building was built in the 50's - back before cubes were invented and everyone worked in long rows of desks with no privacy - and they didn't need privacy because desktop computers and the internet didn't exist and people couldn't secretly surf the web all day.

So... they didn't have cubes and this relates to freezing temperatures in my own personal cube of despair - how?

Because on the other side of my floor, the cubes are so warm the cubites have desk fans running.

Hot air pumps in on one side of the floor, cool the other, and the combination of the two is supposed to convex into the optimal working temperature.

Yes, my office is a 7-11 Microwave Burrito: hot on one side, frozen on the other, with typing mystery meat inside.

I feel so disgruntled.

Did I talk about the lanyards yesterday? I can't remember and it takes my dialup connection at home 1/2 hour to display a single web page, so I can't check before I post this.

Well, tomorrow we're all supposed to start wearing our building ID's around our necks and that's fine, but the building management didn't order enough lanyards.

Ummmmm, if the building is so focused on security, don't you think it would be a good idea to know how many people work in the building?

Shouldn't that number be important in case we all get ground into dust if the building comes down?

Granted, I'm only in the second tallest building in this city, but still. I'd think knowing that number would be helpful.

And while I'm at it, how is wearing these badges going to help protect us?

Wouldn't a terrorist scope out the situation before they attacked this place?

You would have to make the educated guess that they wouldn't even bother coming up with a fake lanyard and ID badge before storming the place and throwing cans of Anthrax Sarin Bubonic Plague Small Pox Nerve Gas Fog of Death and Despair Cooking Spray into the air conditioning ducts. They'd just storm and then throw.


I live in the city of Providence, Rhode Island. Providence - as in God's Will. What religious fanatic is going to blow something up in on or around the second tallest building in the second largest city in New England in the smallest state in the Unites States that just happens to be named after God?


I don't know. I might be missing something, but I'm hypothermic and probably not thinking straight.

Tonight Jared bin Paul is coming over my house. He's a poet who's been helping me get a youth slam organized.

We're going to organize... things - because the Youth Slam Nationals are being held in Burlington Vermont this summer.

Speaking of Slam. If you're a poet, know it, are in the area, and are free on November 14th and able to be at The University of Rhode Island for 7pm, you should contact me.

I'm organizing a Slam focused on poetry about the environment and a sustainable environmental future. If you slam you get a guaranteed 20 bucks and if you win you get an extra 50. Second and third place gets an extra 20 as well.

I have a grant riding on it, so it would be good for both of us.

I have to pee.

Ok, I'm back and somewhat warmer because the men's room is in Florida. My cube I believe is in Wyoming.

I can't wait for lunch time so I can go outside

and warm up.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30