�� new old this that �� am

Rhoda what is my fax?!?!

I came home from work yesterday, sat around a bit, and ate dinner in front of the television because Jen had tapped Survivor and I needed to swear at Cathode Ray Tube images of the four younger ass members of the Samburu tribe.

Yes, I am becoming hooked on Survivor. It took until the third episode and it's not because I really care who wins or what's going to happen,

it's just that in 4 episodes I just have been manipulated by the producers into hating Lindsey and Silas so much

so much

that it's a good thing I don't have loose bricks in my fireplace.

They don't even know how to play the game. Those freaking moronic brats.

That Kim Powers person isn't much better. It's a good thing she's not my sister, because I'd have to smack her -


Anyway, Jen had me listen to the phone messages last night and what do I hear? A person who left us a message after dialing the wrong number.

This happens a lot.

The following is an exact transcript of what a rather old sounding woman with what can only be described as a high society accent left us:

Received today at 10:10am...

Uh this is Noreen Drexel from Newport

area 401 847 3XXX

and my message is for Barbara

my trustees are very upset about the

uhm problems... that uh

national is giving everybody

and they *specifically* had wanted uh money - a hundred thousand to go to the *Victims*

and I *think* this is really serious

Barbara I understand you are going by the paper uh to Washington to see what you can do

and I really don't know how they are going to uh react if uh the paper is uh correct

anyway I know you must be frantically busy

but if you could draw mail or somehow get back

I have to deal with 3 unhappy trustees

Uhmm... I'm just looking up my fax... I never can remember it

uhh anyway uhm Debbie has it

uhm... I'm sorry to take this time

Rhoda do you remember what my fax is?

Rhoda? What's my fax?!?

('hold on' heard in the background)

it's ('845' heard in the background) 845 ('6XXX' heard in the back ground) 6XXX

Anyway that's my fax here in Newport.

Thank you.

I don't know if I should feel bad or laugh.

Either way, I'm a bit terrified.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30