�� new old this that �� pm

I had my yearly review today

I was up to 1am last night finishing my yearly self review.

Every year where I work I have to fill out this two page form. On one side it lists things such as how I exhibited the company�s Core Values, Purpose, and Mission over the past year.

The other side requires I list how I demonstrated my technical, general and management skills.

There is a cover sheet that lists my name, has a place for me and my boss to sign, and has 5 boxes.

The boxes are how I rate myself � 1 being I don�t have a clue what I am doing, and 5 being I am simply amazing and I should be promptly promoted to management.

I never check 5 � I never will check 5, I never could be forced to check 5.


Because who wants to be a manager? I mean that�s just masochistic � suggesting your employer promote you to management so that you can keep even crazier hours, have to sit in more meetings all day, and watch the technical skills that will get you a new job someday if the company goes through massive layoffs or you accidentally check 1 while you�re filling out your status report in a drunken stupor.

I checked 3. Right in the middle. It means some days I slack off, other days I bust my ass.

That�s me, a slacking ass buster.

My boss fills out the same form, but he fills it out about me. I write about me, he writes about me, we both check a box

and then have a fist fight if we don�t match.

It�s sort of like a really dysfunctional marriage.

The good news is my boss checked 3 also. So he agrees with me that I�m a slacking ass buster, I will get my yearly 3%...ish raise

and we won�t have to try and beat each other until one of us gives in and changes his box.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to perform a self exorcism

and rid myself of the demonic spirit of Dilbert.

Now if I could only find that form...

Ahh, here it is.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

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