�� new old this that �� am

Is that a fish in your pocket?

I'm so excited because after work today I'm getting a gold fish!

I feel five years old.

Last week when I went home to Massachusetts for Stuffing Lots of Turkey in the Face Day, I brought back to Providence my 40 gallon fish tank.

I set it all up last Friday.

I used to have this 90 gallon tank, but I won't be setting that one up until I own a house. It's just too much work.

But I am going to use the filters from the 90 gallon on the 40 gallon. I'm using two 350 gallon per hour Magnum canister filter pumps, this water wheel wet/dry filter thingy attached to the return water of one pump, and a gravel filter with the return water from the other pump fed under and through the gravel from below.

I'm sure the mechanics of my fish tank are just fascinating.

Let me just say that the tank is really aerated and will stay very clean.

So for now I'll have a 40 gallon tank, with 1 gold fish.

Because you can't just throw a bunch of fish in a tank right away - you have to let the filters set up and develop the beneficial bacteria to support 1 fish and then after a while you can get more.


My web cam is pointed at the tank and tonight it will be a fish cam, because watching fish is much more exciting than watching me not sit at my desk all the time. Right now, it's just a fishless fish tank cam... but soon... soon a fish cam it will be.

I should do a web - name my fish - contest.

I've been generally pretty sedentary lately. Sure, I walk to work everyday, but after that I've been staying home and generally just watching TV.

Obviously it's rotting my brain.

I'm going to have to fix this problem. This sitting at home problem.

So if you know me in real life, this is your notice that I once again need to be saved from my own inertia. Ok? ok.

Well that's all. Someday soon I should tell you all about the time I was at a High School party and woke up after I passed out in my friend's house. I was in the bathroom bathtub with the curtain drawn. My friend (a girl names Lisa) was on the toilet...

Yes, that is a good self eviscerating story.

I shall tell it soon

well, soon after I get my fish.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30