�� new old this that �� am


So I have this text message thingy on my phone and here are some of the more interesting messages I've received.

Usually when I get one, if it doesn't catch my eye, I delete it. Often times I just save them and yesterday while I was pretty bored at work, I went through all of the saved ones and copied down a few.

Here they are:

Tay is stalking me. I saw him outside my window. I'm hiding in a corner.

Can't sleep. Can't sleep.

Goofball, I love you, you crazy lunatic.

Hi, my names lisa. I found you through blistery. I'm wearing PJ's.

Good morning John. How's the "no smoking" campaign goping?

Are you coming home soon? I miss you and your cigarettes - love Jen

I enjoyed your diary. Especially your horrorscopes. Mucho-funo! Tuffy

How's the non smoking thing going? Haven't heard anything about it lately.

Hi. I have to pee.

Hello, I am your phone.

hey John! What are YOU doing?

You are my favorite woman writer.

The 70's have a lot to answer for!!! Get better soon.

i like ur diaryland thingy-hehehe-u don't know me - ALEXIS

would you like to join the mile high club?

The dolphin thing was very cool and the happy chair dance story was funny.

I leave work now. Back Providence 11ish. Is OK 4 drinky?

Have you any idea how frustrating it is when a picture won't open? Grr.

What is it? What is it!

BOO Sweetsweet. I'm BORED. I want to go home and snuggle with you and the fuzz.

Good entry. You're funny and you're on crack.

happy tuesday, johnpowers! area-51.diaryland.com

*disenchanted.org/erica* your site is funny and not in the go to the short bus sort of way.

okay, maybe short bus... but sans helmets and drooling. well, sans helmets anyway.

I hope that this "amuses" you. :) Peace out, yo. Smudge (christopherj.diaryland.com)

Hey John, signed up for G. membership on D.L. Still giving poems for referrals?

writing writing writing

say hi on AOL :)

john powers is a good person

hi i'm on aol

How about some fireworks a little early? *wink wink*


Just seeing if I have this figured out yet. I adore your diary!

Your diary update is late!! Are you ok?

Glad you're feeling better. Your late entry had me worried it was something much worse.

It's hammer time.

Good morning Elvis. Oh no. It is only Johnpowers.

hey john... this is 'mediocre' also known as erika. cool to see that you're into the obey/giant stuff. .XoX.

It isn't a metaphor. It is the wrong temperature. HOT oven for pizza babe. Try 425 next time.

i fucking hate fresca, but that wasn't my horoscope, so why am i bitching?

does this really amuse you? ~ a wanderer

I have no feeling in my fingernails. This is of great concern to me.

hey, this is christi. i read you went to Seattle in an entry, and thought i send ya a little message.

We should clone monkeys. The world needs more monkeys. m0ok

John Powers rules!

hi to txt msg loving geekman from geeky bookwurm who loves laptop. hope you're amused!

Hi there just browsing your diary. :) bassclargrrl

hiya, now that's silly.

all i need is someone to tell me it will be alright. received 09/11/2001 6pm.

Hey John, What's happening? - Gary

reading your diary for the first time. will definitely pop back bye...Mar in Texas

hooray! you made me laugh again today (and no, i don't feel guilty.) now it's bedtime. - hadooga


My doctor says I'm crazy. But I think that whirlpool naked mush frogs.

hehehe I love text messages too. I swear I'm not stalking you. Talk to you in an hour.

You don't have to tell us about reveling in geekdom, we revel in it every time you update!

tell Jen I miss her and hope she feels better soon and that everything will work out ok. -Lindsay

Hey sweet we won't make it there, too busy talking - R U OK 2 drive?

do you live in Seattle? i do. If you are ever in the neighborhood maybe we could hook up.

Hey! just went to your diaryland site... was surfing some chick's website and i hated it but she has you as a

favorite diary and i must say that i am impressed by her taste if not the depth of her words. thanks for not

sucking! poets rock my world.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30