�� new old this that �� am

So these car alarms

They're really not that effective anymore.

Let's face it, people have been ignoring them for quite a while.

That's why the alarm companies have developed new sounds for them...

like Viper.

Viper's alarm is so annoying that you can't help yourself - not to notice - you certainly can't help yourself from getting so annoyed that you'll do anything to get it to stop even if stopping the "Car is made invulnerable by VIPER! RUN BEFORE I SELF DESTRUCT!!!" alarm mantra involves you making a citizens arrest and armed with nothing but a spork and an alarm induced migraine.

Me, I can ignore a normal car alarm. I sleep through them all the time. I have dreams that my electronic alarm clock is the neighbor's car alarm pathetically pleading for help but it�s Saturday and I just accidentally set it the night before and am ignoring it now because I don�t have to work all after the newspaper boy sneezed on it and sometimes I get late to work because of it � damn it!

But NOT the Viper...

the Viper has me up out of bed at 4am pacing the kitchen muttering:



Take last night for an example�

Last night - walking back from Store 24, which is only open 17 hours a day in Providence (what's up with that?) I passed one of those new types of cars

you know the cars,

they're the ones people in the early late 80�s and 90's made fun of because they were tiny, foreign, wimpy looking, had no horse power, and only silly people put alarms on them.

Now these same cars have double overhead underarm over hill under dale quadruple turbo cam shafts, and sub woofers to that make you feel the music coming before you even realize it�s just a car crawling down the street with alarms.

Viper alarms.

"Where was I? "

"Store 24?"

Yes, I was walking back from Store 17 towards this Honda Civic Indy Race Car

and I heard

"Car is protected by Viper - Stand back."

and as I walked it kept getting louder

until I passed this car, which by the way had no one within 50 feet of it, and the Viper is now screaming at me

"Car is protected by Viper - Stand back."

so I kept walking faster

"Car is protected by Viper - Stand back."

towards home

"Car is protected by Viper - Stand back."

and pretty soon I was running

"Car is protected by Viper - Stand back."

people were looking at me funny

"Car is protected by Viper - Stand back."

I had my hands on my ears

"Car is protected by Viper - Stand back."

bent over sideways I ran up the stairs to my house

"Car is protected by Viper - This car is going to kill you."

fumbling at the door with my keys I wanted to start yelling - make it stop make it stop!

"Car is protected by Viper - This car shall murder you in your sleep!!!"

and then I made it inside.

"Car is protected by Viper - See I'm not so bad... come back... pay attention to me."

But I could still barely hear it.

And I still can.

But I'm ok with it. I'm not going to break into it and leave a rabid raccoon for the owner of the car ignoring his own alarm.

So in a way, I can now ignore the Viper too.

Ah well... time to go back to bed

the neighbor's car is getting it's CD player stolen

or whatever.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30