�� new old this that �� am

So far in life

I've found I'm doing just fine eating only chocolates
that are square.

The Providence Poetry Slam is tonight. Zilla McCue is the feature.

Bring a sweater. First 10 people through the door will get either a hot water bottle or we're going to line chairs up in a row and have people use Bernard Dolan as a really long heated seat cushion.

Jared Paul and myself will be providing the hot air.

It�s so cold out Jen has been driving me to work and picking me up afterward.

It now takes me longer to get home by about 10 minutes, but I�m in earlier and that�s good because I switched to summer hours at work.

A bit oxymoronic to have summer hours in this weather, but on some level in some administrator�s head it makes sense. I work an extra half hour a day, which ends up being 42.5 hours a week, and I get a free day off a month.

Yes, I work an extra 130 hours a year for 60 hours off, but the extra time I�m here doesn�t change much in the grand scheme.

I only get 60 hours off because you can only take 8 summer days in a year. So I figure come September, I'll switch back to normal hours for the fall and I won't be working extra hours for no gain. If I calcuate correctly I'll only be working 82.5 hours extra for 60 hours off.

Can you tell I'm not having a productive day at work yet?

It's good that I'm at work more. Lately I�d just be home watching inane TV and browsing the Internet.

At work I�m just browsing the Internet, so instead of seeing countless TV ads I�m generally ignoring ineffective web ads.

I�m not sure if it�s the lack of walking this week or if it�s not smoking for� let me check� for the last 61 days, or if it�s my new hair cut, but my face looks fatter.

I�m willing to wager it�s the hair cut.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30