�� new old this that ��


RI - Tuesday Jan 16, Melissa Guillet features as GotPoetry Live!

Tuesday at GotPoetry Live Melissa Guillet is your feature.

Melissa has been hailed as a “Dancer of Words” .Her work has appeared in Scrivener’s Pen, Nth Position, four Worcester, MA anthologies, and other collections and chapbooks. She is a member of Doc Brown’s Traveling Poetry Troupe and has been behind the scenes at several large poetry events, including the National Poetry Slam 2001 and IWPS 2005.

Every Tuesday starting at 7:30 PM

GotPoetry Live
@ Reflections Cafe
8 Govenor St, corner of Wickenden St
Providence, RI 02903-4429
(401) 273-7278

-John Powers

GotPoetry News as of Mon, 15 Jan 2007 03:27:14 GMT

RI - Tuesday Jan 16, Melissa Guillet features as GotPoetry Live!
Page Slam - Need 2 more Poets for Open Game
VA - Sylvia Dianne Beverly “Ladi Di” Booksigning at Karibu Books
MA - Boston Poetry Slam Welcomes National Slam Champion Regie
Canadian Service A Poem A Day Goes to YouTube

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

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