�� new old this that ��


The Geography of your History

I feel better knowing She runs along the safe roads of the rich sections of the city, Lined with grass bordered sidewalks and huge future houses to be broken up into tenements once all the rich move to nursing homes and condos in Florida. The cars stop at the crosswalks, let her and the running stroller jog by. Sometimes, it's easier to recognise the geography of your history when you wake up thirsty on a plane and see the Appalachians outside your window seat in miles high textured vapor clouds, and you refuse the flight attendant's advances (of free water) because you are hoping as the plane shudders and bounces if the wings fall off and it spits you out you'll still be thirsty to savor those mountaintops and quench yourself on the hills and valleys as you fall. Sometimes, it's easier to keep throwing away water sealed forever in plastic because its grown too warm sitting in the car. - OR - You spend a few minutes on Sunday calculating spilt milk. The half ounces left over in each of your son's baby bottles totalling 64 over a year's time. None of it is enough to keep you awake unless you let yourself be amazed at how fast the wind is blowing as your sky becomes ground.

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-John Powers

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