�� new old this that �� pm

The California Immigration protests

Someone wrote:

>Yeah, I read about this earlier... I think at Tom
> Tomorrow's website. It's sickening. God knows where
> it's going to end.
> Anyone have any ideas about what to do about this?
> Somehow, I don't think a strongly worded letter to my
> congressman (especially about here in Arizona) is
> going to be of any assistance.
> And did anyone else notice this?
> "Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Sudan" were the
> countries listed. Never mind the fact that 15 of the
> 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. I guess it's
> easier to pick on people from countries without an
> embassy in the US.
> John Ashcroft must be rubby his nasty little crotch
> over this.

I replied:

Make as much noise about it as you can. Educate people. That's what you can do about it. Write a poem and perform it everywhere you can. Write some letters to the major news agencies. Tell them their efforts to spread US propaganda is showing because they're not covering this story.

Here are CNN's top headlines:
Violent storm moves east
Suspected 9/11 mastermind graduated from U.S. university
FBI chief: New counterterror agency not needed
Powell: Declaration 'fails totally' to come clean
Officials: U.S. military buildup may start
Flu sickens hundreds on USS Roosevelt
City mourns boys who fell through ice

MSNBC has no mention of it at all either. CBS news has a story...

Fox news is nothing that should be watched or read unless you're happy to be a republican conservative with no ideas based informed opinions. Garbage in garbage out.

Now go to google news and type check the stories there.

Look at the countries that are covering this story. Read other's opinions of this great country of ours. It's going to be decades before the opinions this administration is causing are changed.

I'm pretty aggravated right now and can't type straight nor can I spell, so I'm stopping now.

-John Powers

�� new old this that ��

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