�� new old this that ��

2001-04-05.10:12 a.m.

A Suck Ass Poetry Reading

It�s official, last�s night sucked major ass.

M.A.J.O.R. A.S.S.

Here�s my problem with a person who in passing asks me to come feature at his reading series, doesn�t tell me that the business it was in closed and reopened elsewhere calls me while I�m away out of state to let me know I agreed to do it multiple times so I have 457 messages on my machine then falls off the edge of Rhode Island when I try to call him back to re-confirm his confirmation has this purported habit of not showing up to his own reading proves it by not even showing up last night causing the horrible reading to not start until 9:15pm when I�ve been sitting there since 8pm when I left my house to get there for 7pm got lost had to go back to my house to start calling people to find out where in the hell it moved to and I don�t go on �stage� and I mean �stage� as in clear spot on the floor so I don�t go on �stage� until 10pm and half the audience isn�t even there FOR poetry so they suck ass too and I get done after being professional about the whole thing and not publicly bitching too much except repeatedly saying �is this thing on� into the crap ass microphone and only getting Gary to laugh even doing THAT so when I finish I get fifteen dollars pay when the fill in host passes a hat causing me in total to just bolt the hell out of there almost right after I�m done reading and getting sorta paid�

and pissed off.

Well I guess that would be the problem right there. It was a big run-on sentence of a night with an internal bitch fest going on through my own personal head dialogue.

I did get a free coffee out of the experience.

I did get an offer to go to a pot luck dinner at a hippie commune.

I did get an offer to go and fix someone�s computer and transfer all of their files from their old system to their new one � and they did expect to give me nothing in return.

I accepted an offer from Melissa and Gary for dinner Friday night. HOOO WEEEE!! Free food.

To be honest I�m not shocked Crazy Henry�s Discount Poetry Emporium sucked so bad. Every time I go there it's bad. I should have know better, but you know� you know� I just hope. I hold out a little hope he�ll get his act together.

but no. it never happens.

and for all you people who love Henry, I do too. This is MY journal and I can vent however I like. I also know all about what Henry and Jen are going through right now. So just shut the fuck up about it and get over yourselves already. Oh, and bite my Krelbo.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

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