�� new old this that ��

2001-04-27.10:45 a.m.

We will see

The Roman Catholic Church is against abortion, birth control, and the death penalty.

76% of American�s who are against abortion are for the death penalty � while 65% of Americans who are for the right to choose are against the death penalty.

There is a large segment of an entire generation of 18 to 24 year olds who believe oral sex is a safe form of birth control, disease prevention and have never heard of Mumia Abul Jamal.

At least good ole� outdated Catholicism is consistant.

Are you?

Should you be?

So I checked, and I first mentioned the swans back on March 28th . That means with an average 35 day incubation period, and lets say a week to lay a full clutch of eggs, the grey cute ass ugly cignets should be seen around May� 9th.

May 9th � ok, something to look forward to.

I�m bored out of my gourd. Seriously. I have some work to do � too, so I should be working on verifying this new tax data, coordinating and getting some software installed in my Atlanta office.

Piss me off, the boss won�t send me to Atlanta to put a CD into a computer and to click setup. He said, the guy down there who normally does that and who�s JOB it is to do THAT - can do it. Damn him.

Tonight I�m going to a dinner party. I thought it was last night, but nooo. I was wrong. Tonight � dinner � Laura�s.

I have to remember to pick up a bottle of wine.

I hope to have a good weekend, Jen and I decided she shouldn�t move out. I hope it�s the right decision. I�m really sick of living in the small apartment though. God damnit I just want some room and space to myself, but no, that would be too easy and fair to just give me. I have to be considerate of other people's feeelings even when there seems to be little give and take.

Crawling further up someone�s ass to force them closer to you only ends up causing irritation. Just as acting like an asshole is so much easier in type.

We�ll see.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30