�� new old this that ��

2001-06-06.11:46 a.m.

� ask johnpowers �

Wednesday is the day I answer the questions from the � advice section of this site.

name: jade wolf
WHY, johnpowers, WHY?!

Why discontinue the McDLT?

Why invent the McRib?

Why immortalize the Clapper?

Why walk through wildflower poppy fields and not sleep?

Why not get the special?

Why carry the groceries of the grandmother 10 years childless?

Why care?

Why not.

name: Karina
url: http://frostopia.homestead.com
why is a raven like a writing desk?

Because Poe wrote on both,

because the writing desk is symbolic of civilization and a raven is an old symbol for the monarchy - and thus you can have neither civilization without the monarchy and vice versa.

Because neither have opposable thumbs,

and because Lewis Carroll was one imaginative bastard and people are still asking a question that really has no answer.


name: Sabrina
I tried to send you a text message. But it didn't work. or did it? It said it could not send it.

Cingular's web servers are on the fritz and since they already have my money, they're taking their sweet time getting their shit together and just fixing their servers.

Obviously, they have more important things to work on - like their billing system. Now Just what's the Deal?

name: Sabrina
How did you get so darn cool?

Central Air Conditioning.

I am a bit obsessive - combine that with an upbringing that encouraged me to be inquisitive and have as many interests as I wanted - and you end up with a person who has experienced a lot of different things and knows a lot of 'different' people.

That makes me who I am. Does it make me cool? It's all a matter of perspective. I might not be so cool to Right Wing conservatives. I might not be so cool to Old Milwaukee guzzling Monday Night Football watching Gun Nuts. I don't think that an Anti-Abortion activist would like me very much, and since a lot of my friends are on the FOP black ball list for supporting Mumia Abu Jamal - I think many officers wouldn't think I was too cool - some would but some wouldn't... I tend to find things I like in most people, but you get the idea.

name: the village idiot
url: http://
I can't seem to find any chicken stuff to hang in my room. Can you tell me where I can find chicken things? I really like chicken. Thanks


I'm not so sure, I can tell you where to go for all your tiny little trees in pots needs, but not for chicken... Try www.farmtopia.com or go to this site!

name: clover
What would you suggest I do as a writer to help me become more creative and inspired? Do you think making a deal with the devil is an acceptable option?

Nah, don't bother with the Devil, he only goes down to Georgia lookin for souls to steal. You'd have better luck with getting signed to Simon and Shuckster before the devil made another deal with a person - even if you do live in Georgia.

Inspiration comes from the everyday. You have to know a subject really well to write about it and the one thing most people know about is their own lives. If you stay observant, you will notice things all the time that you can write about...

Creativity comes from experience. If you don't know what has already been done, then how can you not keep yourself from writing in a way or about things that have already been done. How do you get experience? Read. If you want your writing to be more oral, listen to a lot of spoken word CD�s. Pick a genre that you are interested in and immerse yourself in it, then begin by trying to emulate another writer's style. It's a great exercise.

And that's what it really comes down to - practice. I love this diaryland site because it forces me to write something every day. As a lot of you may have noticed, sometimes it's good, other time's it's Ehh. But for me, I'm happy to just be writing and continually honing my skills.

name: rachel
a friend wrote to me once upon a time, "like two colliding stars you have two choices. one is to run head first into one other producing a spectacular bang. the other choice is to encircle each other lovingly, forever." do you want the bang or the forever? and how does one know it's the right answer? how does one know the difference between the bang and the forever?


Short obvious answer: The Bang is when you have a concussion from the running head first into one another thing, and I'd personally go for the encircling...

The long answer if I'm not mistaken: You're not by chance asking how did galaxies form from a smooth, uniformly-expanding Big Bang state? Are you? If so, you've asked one of the most important problems in modern cosmology, second only to determining whether the universe is infinite, or finite.

The Big Bang was a very smooth affair. We know this thanks to the NASA, COBE satellite.

The material that emerged from the Big Bang is almost universally understood by theoreticians as having been far from uniform at its smallest scales - but uniformly smooth on it's largest scale - meaning if you sit on a planet anywhere in the universe you will see the same amount of material on AVERAGE as anyone else on any other planet, but where ever there are planets they are always surrounded by large clumps of matter - such as galaxies.

Although the large-scale smoothness of the universe can be accounted for by the spectrum of fluctuations expected to have been present in the matter emerging from the Big Bang, as amazing as it seems, we still do not have a coherent understanding how some of the largest collections of matter in the universe were formed. Many astronomers who study, observe and theorize about this are beginning to think that there may not have been a single mechanism at work that applies to all known galaxy types. The problem is confused by the apparent fact that over billions of years, and in the proper environment, some galaxies can transform themselves from one kind of system to another by collisions and cannibalism.

Theoreticians studying the clumpiness generated by gravity in the matter in the Big Bang have been able to determine that, under the thermodynamic and gravitational conditions thought to prevail just AFTER the universe became transparent to the fireball radiation, there are two scales of fluctuations in the density of matter which would have survived. The first scale contains clumps of matter equal to 1000 billion times the mass of the sun, the second mass scale equals about 100,000 times the mass of the sun. The first scale is about the size of a very large galaxy or a cluster of galaxies; the second is about the mass of a globular star cluster...

So basically, smaller planets and systems were drawn to the larger cosmic matter - such as galaxies.

Or in other words opposite's attract, but usually it's the smaller weaker one's chasing after the bigger stronger types. Just like dating in today's modern times.


�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30