�� new old this that ��

2001-07-23.3:38 p.m.

� Today�s Headlines �

Deal reached in global warming talks
Japan on board, will try to bring U.S. back into Kyoto process

Oh sure, watch Busch claim this as proof that he cares about the environment now that a heavy allowance for carbon 'sinks' (forests and farmlands full of carbon monoxide producing cows) effectively reduced the commitment in the Kyoto accord to cut emissions by 5.2 percent from their 1990 levels. The real reduction would be closer to 1.8 percent.

Now that's progress!

Pope holds first meeting with Bush
� Stem cell research tops the agenda

The Pope is 81 and had to read from a prepared statement that condemned the production of human embryos for this type of research that has already proven in lab rats that among other things SPINAL cord injuries can be repaired by using these cells. Yes, Christopher Reeves could one day play Superman again.

The President who is far younger agreed whole heartily with the pontiff in his own prepared statement.

Too bad the current issue isn't about manufacturing human embryos, it's about using the embryos that will otherwise be destroyed because they are left over from couples fertility attempts.

It is unconfirmed that the President is thinking of denying federal funding for this research because Superman is a democrat and he doesn't want Reeves mobile enough to campaign against him in the next election.

Putin downplays missile deal
� Russian president; �No breakthrough�

Russia will make a deal because if it doesn't reduce it's nuclear arsenal soon, it will be reduced for them - through age. Russian missiles are so old they will soon no longer be reliable and they do not have enough cash to replace them.

Hopkins to resume federal trials
� Volunteer�s death put tests on hold

A volunteer died (negligently btw) so the administration cut off funding for the entire Johns Hopkins research center. THE ENTIRE CENTER - CANCER RESEARCH AND ALL!

� �Scoop�: Eastwood being too friendly?

(On the set of "Dirty Harry VII, a kinder gentler vigilante cop")

"Are you talkin' to me?"


"Well go ahead an make my day. Kiss me on the lips big boy!"

"Um, Mr. Eastwood that was a little too friendly"

� WSJ: Firestone to fight bigger recall

This is mean, but I consider all of this revenge on SUV's.

� Kournikova wed? Rumors denied

It's not true. Kournikova is a Thu. Her fiance is a Tue. The marriage will never work.

� WashPost: Banks risk identity theft

"Hi I'm Mr Chase. Mr Chase Manhattan, I'd like to withdraw 8 quadrillion cents please. You can put it in my shoes."

"Wait you're not Mr Chase Manhattan! You're Bozzo the Clown!"

"Was it the hair that gave me away?"

� Fineman: Rise of GOP moderates

"You mean our super conservative piss off the whole country because we lied when we said we're moderates to begin with policy isn't working any longer?"

"No Georgie, that doesn't get me hot any more and please stop wearing that 'all I need to know in life is what the mega corporations tell me' t-shirt to bed or I'll stop calling you 'Commander in me so deep Chief'"

"Yes dear"

� Newsweek: China�s 2nd wives club

No it's not a remake of the Ex Wives club dubbed into Mandarin and then into Chinese and then into English, it's a sign of hypocrisy that develops when you have an imperfect communist society with a rich communist elite and a poor working class.

Shark surprises fishermen off the Cape
� Coast Guard officials in Cape Cod are on the lookout for a 14-foot Great White Shark.


"Ahhh! Lets kill it!"


Patrick Kennedy among 286 swimmers in 25th Bay Swim
� U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy was among 286 swimmers who took to the waters of Narragansett Bay Saturday to raise $110,000 for the environmental group Save the Bay.

Do not be Patrick Kennedy's swimming partner, he was taught how to swim by Teddy and Teddy uses the Chappaquitick breast stroke.

ps. Anyone know how to spell Chappaquitick?

I realise this is getting to be a long entry... sorry.

Lastly I wanted to share my reply to a Greenpeace message board post by some a conservative where he mentioned that we in the US should be grateful for our tax refund.

Re: Bush Push Flash Bash Winners by Anonymous on 23 July 2001 @ 09:33 PM

I don't need my tax refund. I'm getting back $300.

Big deal.

What will $300 buy? A new DVD player? A couple steak dinners at a restaurant?

I don't need any more disposable income, I would like to be sure that I will have a social security check when I retire.

I would like an Arctic wildlife refuge to show to my grandchildren.

I would like a few more after school programs and summer programs to help keep the kids from resorting to petty crime. A crime that can lead to more violent crime as they age.

What if they took all of the money given back in the refund and made sure every fire department in the country had a heat imaging system. A system that might help save YOUR loved ones lives.

You 'right wing' 'people' have a tendency to say liberals need to start thinking, well perhaps you conservatives need to start thinking a little as well - as in about your own future and especially your children�s future instead of constantly with your wallet.


�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30