�� new old this that ��

2001-04-11.10:52 a.m.

uhhh - sorry

He is �very sorry� that one of China�s pilots died after the US spy plane it was harassing crashed into it because planes aren�t supposed to fly within 10 feet of each other at 400 miles an hour while flying over the white shirts of international waters off the coast of a Chinese island housing a top secret military base that�s lined with cantinas and brothels. He is �very sorry� about the pilot.

I am �very sorry� that the US didn�t demand an apology from China for it�s fighter aircraft continually to physically bump our air craft in international waters. I am �very sorry� about the US.

I am �very sorry� that he - President Busch - had to use those �quotey signs� with his fingers in the air when describing the words �very sorry� during his morning press conference. �very sorry� about Busch. I am �very sorry� I like to be funny and write �Busch� instead of �Bush.�

I am "very sorry" that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she supports a proposed Maryland State moratorium on the death penalty, I am "very sorry" that she added that accused murderers with good lawyers do not get the death penalty, I am "very sorry" that she is in the minority on the supreme court and will only be able to dissent and not help pass a national moratorium on a class based system that kills people in the name of perceived deterrence. I am "very sorry" that the death penalty is not a deterrent to murder at all. I am "very sorry" this is a fact.

I am �very sorry� that the Dutch passed the first euthanasia bill while the US can�t even pass a patients bill of rights designed to keep people living.

�very sorry� that my coffee has grown cold because I�ve been doing other things such as � work � instead of standing at the caffeine station all day.

�very sorry� that I�m working and not standing at the railing along the canal watching the now two swans build a nest and sit on what are probably going to be a few ugly ducklings any week now. I am �very sorry� about the swans.

�very sorry� about this spring day while I am stuck in my cube of despair. I am �very sorry� about the spring.

I am �very sorry� today�s lunch will not be in front of my computer while other people will have no other choice. I am �very sorry� about how soon I�ll be escaping.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

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