�� new old this that ��

2001-04-19.9:39 a.m.


So there�s no skim milk, no 1% milk no 2% milk no artery thickening regular milk � no heart stopping heavy cream.


anywhere to be found in this 23 story building

none in the caf� down on the ground floor

none on my soir�e to the convenience store

holy fuck I�m rhyming

So I�m drinking coffee with non dairy creamer� and no one is saying why there�s no milk.

Angry Cow disease? Them cows are pissed because they switch udder lineaments and no self respecting cow will produce milk when their chaffing?

A cow strike? Bush spent all of our money and now there�s nothing left for defense so we�re air dropping cows over Baghdad?

It�s all as preposterous as there not being any milk available on a city block. I should read the local news and see if there was a dairy truck accident or whatnot.

on a happy fuzzy white sorta looks like a goose but is much nicer and still full of down note: as of this morning the swans are still doing fine. Mama swan is still in her nest. Papa swan is off whoring somewhere, but he�ll be back.

I really don�t feel like being here today.

My cat is acting strange.

Tommorow's entry promises to be a little better, and I feel like writing a poetic poem piece thing, if it doesn't suck I'll post it here.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

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