�� new old this that ��

2001-04-28.2:21 p.m.

Bartlett High School

Looking through my senior high school year book today I see that I graduated in 1989 among a class of 168 people.

Out of 167 I�ve spoken to 4 in the past 5 years� Out of 167 I would really love to speak to about 10 before I die. I bet I could have an interesting conversation with maybe 50 if I had to � even if at this point we probably have nothing in common.

Looking through the pages I found two pictures of me - the senior photo they had to put there and 1 of me way in the back in a group photo.

Now I know I was a semi popular person back then. I was real tight with a good size group of people and I thought I got along well with most everyone else�

Obviously I wasn�t getting along so well with the senior yearbook staff.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

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