�� new old this that ��

2001-07-01.11:09 a.m.

dangerous without even knowing it


If someone accuses you of being gay, says "you're so gay", calls you a fag, try this:

Say, "If your life isn't exciting enough, I know a place you can rent a mangina"

or "Damn, I'm gay. Well if I start to slip up in my gayness, let me know, I'll be sure to Gay it up a bit - just for you."

Ask them if they're racist, "Are you racist?" If they say no, then ask them "if your not a racist, how do you justify your bigotry towards someone who's gay?"

You could talk in 80's speak: "Ya right, Gay Bash much?"

You could say, "Wow I didn't realize they let people so ignorant move this far north." (say it no matter where you're living)

Of course if you're afraid of getting your ass kicked, you could just shake your head and give them a slight - you're an idiot look...

Because you see, every time you give in to the absurdness that being a homosexual is somehow bad or wrong or evil, you're perpetuating the attitudes that lead to young men getting dragged down a country road, chained to a fence, and beat to death.

You don't think so? You think I'm being melodramatic? You'd be surprised how subtle reactions influence people - especially when you have an audience - be it a little brother, your child, or even the people who read you.

If you don't believe me, read some more horror stories. If you don't care, just pretend its not your problem.

�� new old this that ��

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