�� new old this that �� pm

HELP I am bored and about to die from it!

Yeah, nothing exciting going on this weekend.

The leaves have all started to turn on the Providence city trees. I watched them swirl and dance through the streets as I drove home from bringing Jen to work.

They danced. The rose and fell in swirls of orange and yellow - passing over the car - a few jumping into my open window - as I was headed back up College Hill.

The sight almost inspired a poem.


A guy I know came across this story the other day.

If you visit the website, you'll be able to see the actual photo's of white Auburn University students, dressed in black face, as Klansmen, mocking the university's historically black fraternity, and staging a mock lynching.

The white students who did this thought it was so funny that not only did they take pictures of themselves doing this, they put the photos up on a website so all their friends could see how funny they were.

Here is the web address to see the pictures of their day of fun:

Now, while I see these pictures I'm at one level disgusted and on another level laughing at these morons for how absolutely stupid they were. Idiocy at a new level.

Thankfully once the original web site was brought to the attention of the University, the Fraternity involved was suspended. Probably for not long enough however -

long enough for me would be forever.

"Thanks for such an uplifting Sunday entry johnpowers!"

"You're welcome."

My web cam is working again.

It's still boring as hell, but it looks a little better.

I'd like to get another one and set it up in the living room, but that will have to wait a while.

Bills are piling up.

Last night Jen made some incredible salmon lasagna, so you know what I'll be eating for lunch for the next few days.



I'm working on another pick your own adventure type entry. If I can get it done for tomorrow, I'll be sure to post it.

It's been a pretty non eventful weekend.

I'll have to fix that.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30