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� Answers �

Wednesday is answer day and...

if you need advice or need the answer to something, click on any of the � advice links on this site and ask anything you would like.

ask johnpowers

name: tang
url: http://tangcrusader.diaryland.com
are krispy kremes really better than your average donut?

Krispy Kreme doughnuts used to be only a divine food of the South. Founded in 1937 by Vernon Rudolph in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, the company was just a regional Mecca of glazed goodness - not reaching past the Mason-Dixon.

You would step out of your car in a Krispy Kreme parking lot, the aroma beckoning you inside the green and white doors, the fragrance of hot dough-meets-sugar envelopes you in warmth and then guides you over drool on your chin towards room-length windows to watch the wonderful Krispy Kreme machines at work.

Doughy circles journey up bicycle-chain platforms gradually growing and puffing becoming full-sized rings.


They dive! Like swimmers in a backyard pool, they ease down their lanes of hot oil then quickly flip over to brown their bottoms - trundling up conveyors - finally to parade through sugar-glazing waterfalls to become a doughnut

so airy and amazingly light - a mere finger-touch leaves a dent!

But do few fingerprints remain?

Nay, I say NAY! Dozens disappear in a blink. And no matter how many times a person has eaten a Krispy Kreme doughnut they�ll have that same joyful response biting into the next hot one. Something along the lines of "OH MY GOD MY MOUTH IS COMMING!"

And times have changed. Krispy Kremes appeared in New York in 1995 and now you can find you can pick up a dozen or two in LA, Vegas, Phoenix, Des Moines, Baton Rouge and even Livonia, Michigan. You can get them almost anywhere

except Rhode Island, and sadly I've never had a krispy kreme donut.

This is just what I've heard.

name: electricgirl sarah
email: [email protected]
url: http://electricsigh.diaryland.com
HELLLLLLP MEE!! you have to help me out, mister johnpowers. where did Crystal Pepsi and O.K. cola go?! what happened? O.K. cola was the coolest thing since the Eskimo bar, you could dial 1-800 I.FEEL.OK! if johnpowers doesn't know and can't find out, I�m sunk. I�ve been burning to find this info out for the LONGEST time! if you can, THANKS!

Crystal Pepsi stopped being made around last April. It may have been available longer because it was not that popular with the general public. Pepsi considers this drink such a disaster they won't even list it on their official history web site.

Coke stopped making ok cola for the same reasons as Pepsi stopped it's crystal brand - not enough sales.

name: john
url: http://cloudbreak.diaryland.com
Are there any beneficial single-celled organisms in waste water flowing towards a treatment facility? By beneficial, I mean assisting the breakdown of organics or maintainment of the water's ph level, etc. Thanks.

Yes, there is beneficial bacteria in that water, but it is negligible. The 'break down' process starts to happen as soon as you flush, but it takes the huge amount of seed bacteria at the treatment plant vats to even begin to make a dent in it.

name: Person
url: http://
If you liked to suck dick (I said if), what would you look for in a dick? Long, short, curved, straight? What I'm trying to ask here is what attributes would you find attractive in a penis?



Obviously we are in the strange section of today's entry.

name: Jenna
url: http://hangin-tough.diaryland.com
Okay. My friend is a closet gay guy (even from me- i am extrapolating. its only high school, I hear you figure these things out in college) who is in love with his best friend John, who goes out with his other best friend Amanda. If you say anything remotely related to the couple then Tim goes into a depression, and his whole life is surrounded by these two people. His only comfort is me- for some reason I get his mind off of them, and so he is able to talk really fast about absolute shit, and he clings on to me since everyone else makes him mad. he is my friend, but I can only take so much. am I ruining his life if I sometimes shrug him off?

No, you're not his savior. You're not obligated to spend all of your free time with one person.

It sounds to me as if he is using you for his support structure, and that is fine, but you cannot make a person happy. They have to change things in their life so that they can BE happy.

For this person, it seems it may take a while because he will probably have to be out of his current environment before he can have the benefit of more like minded people around him.

You have to live your life too.

name: jen
url: http://migrainegirl.diaryland.com
Dear John Powers; Let's say I needed a posse. This is purely hypothetical, but for future reference, should the need arise; could I borrow yours? I am, in fact a member of your posse. Would the posse rally around me as I am one of them? Or would they look to you for the "OK" before rallying? And would you give the "OK"? Lastly, why, oh why will no one sign Gary Hoare�s guestbook? Thanking you advance...

I believe they may rally around a fellow posse member. It depends upon the request.

People sign Gary's guestbook - just look at all the responses to his entry that consisted of the single word of 'crap'.

name: staci
email: [email protected]
url: http://fatbuddha.diaryland.com
since I�m too lazy to do this myself I�ll ask you and wait a week for your answer . where can I see the incubus performance at the billboard awards I missed, on a 56K.. while you're at it, will they be touring in Florida any time soon ? if no, why the hell not, and why do all the good bands always go to California . thanks for letting me be lazy .

They haven�t announced their latest tour � besides Europe.

Bands go to Cali because they have the most number of Major cities in the smallest area than just about any place in the country.

I can�t find a thing regarding the billboard awards. Sorry.

name: Piper
email: [email protected]
url: http://white-rook.diaryland.com
John "My Personal Hero" Powers...

I am a lazy slug. A horribly lethargic, uninspired, listless 5'1" Irish/Romanian girl... a daysleeper, if you will... and if you are a REM fan. Anyways. Do you have any motivation techniques or words for me? Finals start on the 14th. I am royally screwed.

Think of a person who didn't finish school. Look at what they are doing for a job day in and day out.

Imagine doing nothing but that for the rest of your life.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30