�� new old this that ��

2001-03-22.12:41 p.m.

Rabble scrabble Windows 2000

Last night my computer self destructed - rabble scrabble Microsoft 2000

After yelling at it from 6:30 and 11:30 PM I got it back running - minus the entire contents of my HardDrive - minus Windows 2000

I am happily back to 1998. Windows 98 that is

I had most everything important backed up and now I am going to walk home for lunch and eat Ramen noodles because I need to go to the grocery store

I may pet the cat

for longer than I should

My clothes have just dried out from walking in this mornings rain - it's a lot drier out now

I am one boring mo-fo with this entry

Oh well - check out the old list - there's a poem below this entry... it's about when I found out something about my father while I was on a spoken word tour

Today I have meetings all day. The joy of conference rooms

The job I had before this one was as a network technician. I had burned out from being a programmer analysts, so I went into hardware for two years, now I'm back to programming

My experience of kicking my home computer's ass last night reminds me just how bored I was at that last job. It was fun for a while, but last night I did what I did for the most part for two years at that old job (the one where I worked for my friend Rob) and it was just as easy and thus boring

Rabble scrabble Windows 2000

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30