�� new old this that ��

2001-03-23.03:35 p.m.

Nerudas Ships & My Actual Face!

yes, this is my picture.  what kind of weirdo puts random people on thier entires?  Um... don't answer that

I need to know how my Grandfather knew to remove his hand from the back of my bicycle to let me ride free.

because I have too many questions.

questions rooted deeper than the root cellar

deeper than your pre Prozac Welbutrin Zoloft moments

this morning fog


fixed yet flowing in the hypothetical

such as when do you take the bird from your chest and let it fly free?

when do you watch the child hood movie

your father bouncing you on his knee

grandfather still alive

mother still innocent to the pains

life brings

and not worry you've inherited the same mistakes

where does the faith come from?

how do you change the choices?

how do I know when to remove my hand from the back of your bicycle

even if letting go left me

free falling

my doubts clinging to Neruda's ship in a bottle

I sealed to save the breath you breathed back into me

free falling

towards glass smashing driving shards into bone

sea snuffing the flame you coaxed into burning brilliant again

your hand reaching down to grab my glass

my hand reaching down to grab your glass

our bodies wracked with laughter

blood's wine dripping from the corners of our mouths

heading towards a real life bitter frost bitten day break

as I hang from a tenement named inevitability

trying to pull the shades on the sun

I'm serious as suffering but unable to voice it

confused with routine but understanding habit

I'm freezing my ass off

but wanting to throw all the windows open

rip the radiators from the floor!

just for an excuse to press against you

& remove these questions of motion in emotional madness

these questions sparking like static in midnight blackness

the single question I can't ask because it could rename us

in a name of hope

rebirth us in the birth of morning light

let us forget for an hour with the wind chill scratching the pane's

of jaundice windows

of what could be our past

that what was

was never


as forever

I wish I'd misspoken

when I said, "you're going to do what you have to do"

you replied "some times a skinned knee reminds you to keep your balance, that is what your grandfather taught you."

"you're going to do what you have to do"

I never asked you to stay

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30