�� new old this that ��

2001-04-18.9:00 a.m.

a hair cut

Yes, that is actually a MAN cutting my hair, and not my Grandmother.

Claudia at Impulse - The hair nail tanning free coffee salon where I get my hairs cut - gives the best scalp massages I've ever had at a hair salon. In fact she gives the best scalp massages I�ve ever gotten � in fact she gives the only scalp massages I�ve ever gotten. I've never had a scalp massage anywhere but there... and that is why I go back every month instead of going 6 months between hair cuts � as I used to.

let me tell you, she�s no Manzie�

or should I say she�s less scary than Manzie?

Yep, I got a hair cut yesterday.

Yep, today it's snowing - April 18th and snow.

Manzie is the Barber in the picture above and that really is me � on Page 19S in The Evening Gazette � Worcester, MA Friday October 28, 1977 � getting my hair cut when I was 5.

I honestly don�t remember anything being traumatic regarding those trips to the barber.

[click on the image to see it full size]

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

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