�� new old this that ��

2001-05-26.2:46 p.m.

It�s Tuesday

Bean, my old dog.

It�s Tuesday

& I�ve been interviewing adoption agencies for my dog: A 35 pound black lab & corgi mix that looks & acts a lot like a puppy

& I still wonder how her parent�s managed it - a black lab is a full sized dog � they can stand 3 feet tall. a corgi has 3 inch legs � they�re quite low to the ground

& I still wonder

& It�s Tuesday & she�s been sleeping in the house or sitting on a leash for 14 hours a day �She�s been too often bounced around between friends & relatives during week & month long business trips�

& that is no life for anyone �especially someone who doesn�t understand why�

& It�s Tuesday & 2 months ago I picked her up

gently held her in my arms & stepped onto a scale

She had gained ten pounds & I gained the realization she was getting fat & needed a better home

& It�s Tuesday & I�ve found an adoption agency

a �no-kill� place because I haven�t been able to give her what she needs & dying�is not what she needs�

It�s Tuesday & I�m folding a blanket & I�m filling Tupperware w/ dog food & the dog food is she doesn�t feel the stress of a changed diet right away& the blanket is so she can

smell home�while she waits

Tuesday & I�m walking her through the woods - Down the same path she�s walked for the past three years & I�m letting he swim in the lake

When I brought her home from the pound she was terrified of water - she was terrified of everything & she would cower if I yelled from the other room & I knew that once

some thing bad must have happened to her & now she�s a great swimmer & now she�s really trusting & that used to feel really


& now it doesn�t�cause family members shouldn�t be disposable

Tuesday & last week I signed a lease for a city apartment - a move that�s finally making me do this & I�m giving her a bath & if she�s clean & smelling a little less like a pond - someone might adopt her sooner

Tuesday & I�m driving w/ her beside me & I�m gonna pay the adoption fee for whoever wants her first!

& It�s Tuesday & I�m putting her on a leash & I�m opening the door & I�m walking her in & I�m kneeling beside her & I�m patting her head & I�m scratching her neck & I�m handing her over & I�m sayinggoodbye & I�m driving home & I�m alone & I�m waving

at age 4


at the terminal window


�Come Back daddy�

�come back


(On a Tuesday)

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

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