�� new old this that �� pm

Proof that there is hope for humanity

This morning while I was being dropped off at work my girlfriend let a car merge in front of her, then the car behind her let the next car merge, and then it happened again...

and then after that... nothing.

Before that, I saw no examples of nice.. ness either... for days.

Is it that they don't often happen

or is it that the little nice things that people do for each other are actually no big thing and I don't notice them?

I do not know the answer. Tell me.

This morning I did tell a woman I work with who just got a cat for the first time in her life that she shouldn't have it shaved for the rest of the summer. That was nice.

..and the other day I held my building doors open for a person carrying a tall stack of boxes. Yay, I saved someone the effort of putting down the boxes, opening the door, holding the door with their foot, picking up the boxes, then repeating the process as they went through the next set. I'm a hero, I know.

If anyone feels like pointing me towards a place I can reference good deeds that people do... a place to find out about common decency... I'll thank you... (and wouldn't that be nice) because when I tried to write about people being nice to each other, I also failed miserably.

So perhaps its just a touch of creative un-creativity, but I also checked through the on-line news papers and found a single feel good story... I could just have nothing to work with.

I do not know, what do you


�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30