�� new old this that �� am

Frick, I can not sleep.

I'm so excited about moving tomorrow that I can't sleep.

I feel like that little kid in the commercial being a cute pain in the ass to his parents the night before they go to Disney Land.

Of course the woman who was living in the new apartment before us doesn't seem to be completely out yet. The leasing agent was pretty vague about it and I can't figure out if she's sleeping there still or if the people she hired to clean it for her haven't finished yet.

What       The        Fuck       Lady!
She was originally supposed to be out on October 8th. She's already about a week late

AND as of Friday she hadn't cancelled ANY of her utilities or cable yet. So since I have a cable modem...

excuse me,

Since I HAD a cable modem I probably won't have reliable internet access for a few days - unless I scam my friends dial up account, oh, but she hadn't cancelled her phone yet either, so even if she called the phone company on Friday, we won't be able to call and get the phone turned on until Monday at the least.


Jen and I have a plan though. We will let TayTay into the apartment first and he will attack the crazy woman's very old and annoying poodle and drive both of them away never to be seen again...

even though I have nothing against poodles.

Some of them are very sweet.

Either way, I'll keep you posted.

�� new old this that ��

Since Feb 2001

Long time no update. - 12.19.09

Clinton or Obama? - 2007-10-04

Two workshop Providence paid gig - looking for instructor - 2007-10-03

Big brother - 2007-09-26

Favorites - 2007-08-30